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The LIFE AGREE project- Coastal Lagoon Long Term Management (LIFE13 NAT / IT / 000115) was approved by the European Commission under the LIFE + program.
It was presented by the Province of Ferrara in conjunction with the State Forestry Corps, the Entity for the Parks Management and Biodiversity – Delta del Po, the University of Ferrara, the Organizations of Manufacturers of Goro and Gorino (replaced by the Sacca of Goro Consortium CO.SA.GO.). Participates in the project, as a co-financier, the City of Goro.

The total amount of the project is € 4,381,801 and is co-financed 50% by the European Union. The grant agreement between the Province of Ferrara, the coordinating beneficiary, and the European Commission was signed 2014/06/05. The project runs from 2014/06/2014 to 2019/04/30.